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Black and White Wedding Invitations Sydney

What could be simpler and more stylish than a black and white wedding invitation? They’re timeless, classic and yet can be styled to suit all kinds of weddings, from elegant and formal to fun and flirty. At Papermarc, we offer a wide range of black and white wedding invitations online that can be customised to your specifications.


Black and White Wedding Invitations Sydney

From the classic and timeless Atlanta Monochrome to the distinctive Carrie Modern Pattern, we have the best selection of black and white wedding invitations Sydney has available in our online store.

Choose from a fantastic selection of black and white wedding invitations

When it comes to wedding invitations, black and white is a great choice for anyone who wants a monochromatic theme, but it doesn’t mean to say that your invitations will be boring. Far from being boring, our black and white wedding invites incorporate style features that lift them from predictable to something extra-special.

For example, the Atlanta Monochrome wedding invitation is based around a classic monochrome typographic design but the placement of the type and the variation in type size, makes this invite interesting and eye-catching. The Atlanta comes complete with a matt textured white envelope or you may prefer to customise your invite with a metallic or smooth navy envelope.

Or how about the Adorn Chalkboard wedding invitation? A slightly different take on monochrome, this vintage inspired wedding invitation is printed on knight linen white textured card and features a chalkboard design and hand-drawn garden leaf illustration.

Or how about our Art Deco inspired Chrysler invitation with its characteristic design printed onto metallic cream card encased in a soft gold metallic envelope? Maybe it’s pushing the boundaries of black and white wedding invitations but who says you have to stick to pure black and white?

However, if you’ve decided that black and white is the way to go, but you want something that really stands out, check out the Carrie Modern Pattern wedding invitation. It’s bold, it’s distinct and it’s memorable plus, as you can mix and match from our range of graphic patterns, including stripes, polka dots and botanical leaves, it’s an invitation you can make truly your own.

Quality black and white wedding invitations that look more expensive than they are

When it comes to invitations in black and white, cheap wedding invitations are easy to find, but they often lack the quality you deserve for your special day. We provide premium quality black and white wedding invites at an affordable price, that look as though they’ve cost much more than you’ve paid.

Order your black and white invitations online from Papermarc

If you’d like to see the quality of our black and white wedding invitations, you can purchase standard samples online. For quotes for custom black and white invites, call us on 03 9818 3104, or email

At Papermarc, you will also find collection of wedding place cards, wedding stationery, wedding invitation paper, wedding invitation cards & more in Sydney. Find a design that suits to you & order online. ...Hide Content

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